Friday, October 18, 2013

The Gift of the Presentation

Have you ever made the illogical leap from a point about economics to a joke about ancient fertility rituals?  That's what it's like to be in my head.  I assume that if we're discussing the relationship between the reward (the carrot) and the obstacle preventing us from the reward (the stick), you will follow my reasoning to the Easter bunny and then down the rabbit hole to the Catholic takeover of the Easter holiday from the pagans who used the symbols of eggs and large-eared rodents to represent the arrival of Spring.

Yes, this has led to some awkward moments at parties and yes, I'm also surprised that I convinced a beautiful young woman to marry me.

The point is that I have to be able to convey my thoughts and points more clearly and rationally and this is especially true when giving presentations.  Luckily, with modern aids like Prezi, I can readily connect my ideas because they are basically being connected for me.  I'm forced to organize because the program helps me present clearly and concisely and since it also has the qualities of a canvas, I feel as though I can be creative as well.

So, I took a crack at it for the first time and came up with a way to present myself as a prospective teacher.  Here it is:

Any constructive criticism would be greatly appreciated!


  1. Nice work on the prezi Jay. Make sure you hyperlink all URLs in your blog.

  2. Hey Jay,

    I had a look at your Prezitation and I liked your layout and the little video with the water buffalo. It was a good reflection of many of my students' communication skills.

    Up until now I hadn't thought of using Prezi as an introduction or professional promotional tool but you've shown me that indeed, Prezi is well suited for exactly that.

    I'm going to consider how I can use Prezi as a promotional tool as well.

    Great idea!
